Last year I suggested 10 Gifts for the Homestead Woman. This year I've put together another list of ten useful gifts. Many of these would be helpful for someone focusing on self-sufficiency, simple living and preparedness - and aren't those some of the definitions of homesteading?
Some of the links are affiliate links, but they are products I use myself and love, or that I wish I had.
This post contains affiliate links.
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A Trough De-Icer - she won't have to break ice any more!
One thing I really appreciate in the winter is a tank de-icer that keeps the horses' water trough from freezing. Breaking ice with a sledge hammer is not my idea of fun. I refill the dogs' and chickens' waterers from this trough as well.
There are several types of heaters and de-icers for different types of troughs, so be sure to get the right kind. My Rubbermaid water trough requires a caged tank de-icer that won't melt the plastic.
A Grain Mill for the woman who wants to be more self-reliant
A bucket of wheat berries and a grain mill such as the Wonder Junior Deluxe Grain Mill. A grain mill gives you control over the quality of the food your family eats as well as boosting your preparedness and self-sufficiency.
A Mortar and Pestle for the gardener who grows herbs and medicinals
A mortar and pestle is handy to grind herbs and spices. I also use mine to grind my Himalayan pink salt into a finer consistency.
A Food Dehydrator
And for the produce from that year-round garden, a food dehydrator will preserve the garden's bounty. I use the L'Equip and love it. Another excellent brand is the Excalibur.
Dryer Balls, no fabric softener required
Woolen dryer balls from Sandra at Clearwater Farm. Woolen dryer balls are a natural alternative to using chemical-laden dryer sheets; we've been using dryer balls for years now.
A special mug for her coffee, tea or hot cocoa
Little fun gift ideas
-- Print out her favorite verse of Scripture in a fancy font on pretty paper (or by hand if you enjoy hand-lettering or calligraphy) and frame it.
-- A jar of natural udder balm for her goats or cow. Need a recipe so you can make it yourself? Here's one from the Prairie Homestead.
What's your idea of a perfect homestead gift? I hope you'll leave a comment and share a gift you'd love to receive.
You might also enjoy:
Gift Ideas from the Homestead
10 Gifts for the Homestead Woman
The Third Annual Gift Guide for the Homestead Woman
This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product after following one of these links I may receive a small commission, but this does not affect the price you pay. Read my full disclosure here.