Quilting is an art form that is also practical and is the epitome of frugality. (Try saying that three times fast.)
In our not-too-distant past, fabric was never wasted. Clothing was passed down from one person to another, then the "good parts" were cut down for smaller projects, and eventually small pieces were sewn into patchwork quilts. The threadbare and otherwise useless parts were used as rags before they were discarded.
Modern day quilts are usually sewn from fabric purchased specifically for that project. The colors and patterns are chosen carefully. But the method is still the same, stitching small pieces together to make larger patches that are again sewn together into one beautiful quilt top. This is sandwiched with quilt batting and a backing fabric and quilted together to keep the layers from separating.
My mother and grandmother (and their mothers before them too, of course) were accomplished seamstresses, so I grew up knowing how to sew. I've sewn clothing and quilted small projects throughout my adult life. The first "larger" project I attempted was a crib quilt for our granddaughter, made from scraps from clothing I'd sewn for her mother many years before as well as fabric that was purchased. A fabric-aholic always keeps her scraps. They're sure to come in handy one day.
I've gotten a little behind in my crib quilts. My hands are less agile these days, and my eyesight not as sharp. Our granddaughter had her quilt, and I'd made one for our next grandchild. Earlier this year I began trying to catch up, and I've finished the first of four.

My quilts are pieced on my sewing machine and quilted by hand. I told myself I was going to quilt these four quilts on my new machine but this first one is hand-quilted as always. The stitches certainly aren't as nice as they are on projects I've done in the past, but it was still sewn with love. I pray as I stitch and I'm sure that's one reason I enjoy the process of hand-quilting.
I'm keeping the patterns simple since I want to get all four finished before the end of the year.
The quilt top, finished and ready to baste the "sandwich" together.
How to quilt straight lines: mark them with masking tape or quilter's tape.
I named this one "Starry Night." I think quilts should be named, don't you? They might bear the name of the patchwork pattern, or be known by the name of the recipient. This one has a name and a theme. Three of the fabrics are star prints, another has a print that reminds me of a mariner's compass, and the backing print says "I love you to the moon and back."
This is the method I use to add the binding.
I was looking for a grey and white striped fabric to use as the binding, but I settled for a dark blue abstract print that reminds me of clouds at night.
Years ago when I took a quilting class from a wonderful older lady, she told us that she always quilted a seagull into everything she sewed, and that we, her students, should do something similar. I sew a heart into each of my quilts.
Do you enjoy quilting, or another handcraft or hobby? Please tell us about it in the comments.
The rest of the quilts:
(no post; click to ![]() | "In the Jungle" | "Starry Night" ![]() |
"Tide Pool" ![]() | "Foggy Morning" ![]() | "Cherry Blossom"![]() |
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